smell art

innovative scent design
& Smell Education

An artist lies under a table covered with flowers and giant origrami seed pods.

Smell Art merges the worlds of science and art to deliver unforgettable and distinctive sensory experiences rooted in the sense of smell.


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News + Upcoming events

a man on stage is playing guitar while a woman fills up a scent diffuser

enhancing events with scent

Smell Art collaborates with artists to elevate live music, theatre performances, and film screenings through the art of scent. Scent has the unique ability to influence emotions, heighten other senses, and foster a sense of unity among strangers. Of all our senses, smell has the most profound link to memory.

A person lying on a water mattress in front of scent diffusers at an immersive installation

immersive installations

Smell Art specialises in creating scent installations for galleries and museums. From low maintenance fixed-scent stations to commercial diffusers or scratch 'n' sniff, my scent designs have the power to stand alone as a sensory experience or be combined with other mediums to create immersive works that leave a lasting impression. Smell stimulates conversation, boosts attention spans and encourages visitors to spend more time exploring exhibits.

Erin handing out food sample to blindfolded people at a smell workshop

Smell Workshops

Heightened awareness of smell fosters deeper connections with the world and those around us, positively impacting emotions, memory, and overall well-being. Smell Art workshops delve into the science of smell, highlighting its significance in our lives. Offerings include workshops for all ages as well as engaging smell walks and informative public talks & podcasts.

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